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Wedding Expo: Where to Start Planning a Your Special Day!

By January 17, 2022January 31st, 2023No Comments

To start the new year off, we had a booth at the Bridal and Wedding Expo in Philadelphia! Consisting of lots of local and national businesses, the expo attracts brides from all areas to come check out different vendors for their special day!

Engaged couples and their loved ones spent the day meeting amazing companies. We were so excited to meet everyone and have them take a picture at the booth.

Specially made for the wedding expo with The Great Inflator’s balloon arrangements, our booth was a popular spot to take a picture and remember the fun day of wedding planning.

The two-day event was the perfect showcase for our photo booth! With our new blue marble backdrop and the perfect complimentary balloons, our booth looked absolutely perfect in person and in pictures!

Twinkle Wedding Expo Setup

We are so happy to be a part of such a fun event! Brides were able to test out the booth and strike a pose for a photo, GIF, or Boomerang. Everyone was so excited to see how the booth could be at their own event!

Planning an Event?

Our Team of Experts Can Make Your Event Memorable

We can’t wait to start customizing your photo booth! Contact our team to schedule a consultation.